CDorner Fitness

Early this year, I decided to increase my fitness by doing step aerobics at home. One of my best resources for doing so is the CDornerFitness youtube channel. Not only does she have a variety of routines from basic to advanced, she usually tells you how many beats per minute the routine is. She also has additional activities that can be done at home.

Fitness Test

Yesterday, for the first time since before Christmas, I was able to take the dogs on a walk up the hill behind our house. Since we lived here, this hill, which is very steep, has been my test for how fit I am. If I have to stop more than once, I am very unfit. If I can get up with one stop, I am somewhat unfit. Yesterday, I walked up briskly, without even slowing my pace except to navigate a few spot that are still snow-covered. I could probably even have carried on a conversation, if there had been anyone there but the dogs. I am in better shape now than before Christmas, which means all those boring sessions with the video tapes and the elliptical glider did their job.