
Since we live in a rural neighborhood, our choice of options to connect to the Internet are rather limited.  For the past  four or five years, we have used wireless broadband to connect to a tower that is line of sight to the east of us.  It is a system that works quite well, except when it doesn’t.  At 6:30 am this morning, it stopped working.  Unfortunately, one of the peculiarities of the small company that provides our service is that one can only contact them via a web form.  Usually, I call Jack and ask him to submit the trouble report from work, but this doesn’t work on a weekend. 

On the bright side, I had to leave the house anyway and decided to see how the wireless access at the Monument Library works with my laptop.  It works quite well, fortunately.  All that is required is a library card and a PIN.

One thought on “Connections”

  1. I am so glad we have libraries –
    our power goes out frequently – — usually not the same time the libraries power goes out 🙂

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