Clean Puppy

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Orion received a bath today. Unfortunately he doesn’t look much different when he is clean than dirty, but he does feel and smell better now. It took about five minutes to prep the area, and ten minutes to wash the puppy during which Rion cooperated fairly well, and didn’t attempt to jump out of the wash tub and dash himself against the concrete floor of the mudroom. The towel drying took a while, because Rion thought we were playing tug of war with the towels. However, the most difficult part of the job was putting his collar back on. I finally had to wrap him in a towel to immobilize him to do so.   I did attempt to brush him out.  That was good for giggles, but not every effective.

Rion’s favorite solitary sport is digging out the varmint holes in the dog run. His favorite team sport is being rolled around in the dirt by his friends Cheney and Brody. I don’t expect him to stay clean very long. However, to judge from the black rinse water, he really needed this bath.

One thought on “Clean Puppy”

  1. How funny! Willow can’t wait to get her collar back on. She hates when she gets bathed and we have to take it off. It’s as if she’s a fine lady and that’s her jewelry, and she’s nervous until she gets it back. We take her out before her bath and when she needs to go out again we say to her “Where’s your collar? You’re a *stray*!” and she goes in the bathroom looking for it.

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