
January 05, 2008 – Click on image for higher resolution version.

The hay wranglers stopped by for the hay forks they left last time they delivered hay, and I noticed a box on the porch.  I didn’t think much of it, and brought it in while I told the wrangler where to find their hooks.  When I got back into the house, Jack was opening the box and saying “It’s a present for you.  I thought at first it was probably a new lens for my camera, but when I saw the edge of green I started squealing.   I’ve been  following the saga of the One Laptop Per Child for a while, so I recognized what it was as soon as Jack started lifting it out of the box. As I write this, Jack is hitting buttons to see what happens.

3 thoughts on “Surprise!”

  1. Kudos to Jack for the BEST surprise of the season! My family all went together and split the tab on OLPC — but we donated both of them so we could get double-duty for our bucks. Yours is so cute I kinda wish I’d kept one …. ENJOY!!

  2. Neat! You’re the second person I know of who has gotten one of these. I was out of work when they had their original G1G1 window, but they extended it and I got a new job, so I donated a few days after Christmas. I’m hoping to have mine by the end of January.

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