
Jack signed us up to participate to keep diaries of our radio listening for a week for Arbitron. We start tomorrow.  At first, I didn’t think I would be able to contribute anything but empty sheets, but Jack told me that he thought Pandora Radio qualified as Internet Radio.  Pandora is rather odd since one creates one’s own channels by rating music as it is presented.  I usually listen to Pandora at work when I am not on the telephone or talking to anyone.

One thought on “Arbitron”

  1. Yeah, they want to know about everything. When we were an Arbitron family a couple of years ago, I specifically asked about that, and they said they wanted everything.

    I’m not sure they knew what to make of it when I logged Radio Tanzania Zanzibar (11735 kHz shortwave) and Radio Globo from Brazil (9635 kHz shortwave, I think), as well as the CBC Radio 3 podcast. I had maybe one actual “radio” station in my log.

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