Minus Three

Feeding horses when it is -3F is not much fun, but has to be done anyway. Fortunately, I didn’t look a the digital thermometer closely before I went out this evening, and thought it was three degrees above zero instead of three below. We have about one of these cold snaps every year, and each time I am profoundly grateful for rural electrification and stock tank heaters.

3 thoughts on “Minus Three”

  1. I can’t imagine there’s much difference in the two! And I thought it was cold here!

  2. Hi, I found your blog while searching on Google for the three words in our new horse website’s domain name, http://www.stupidhorsetricks.com. Google took me to an old post back in 2003 about new pasture and horse fences and large young animals in a hurry. 😉 Great blog here. If you have any funny pictures or methods to teach intentional tricks, we’d love to see ’em. Stay warm!

    Your friend in California, Road Apple. 😉

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