Field trip


Every fall, a friend of mine with forty acres east of Colorado Springs invites some friends to ride her cross country course. Lily isn’t jumping yet, but I took her anyway so she could have some time away from home. I rode her around and let her graze while everyone did their cross country thing, and then tied her to the trailer while we ate the potluck lunch that follows the riding. Although Lily doesn’t load as easily as Hap, she is otherwise much easier to deal with on trips than Hap was. Hap would ignore his hay and water for hours, whereas Lily identifies where her food is immediately and occasionally looks around to see what might be going on.

One thought on “Field trip”

  1. Oh what fun! The barn at which Clipper is stabled has a cross country course. I’m looking forward to trying it — after we master behaving in the arena!

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