Trickle Down Palm

Last week, my sister wrote and asked if I wanted her Tungsten T3 Palm, which had been superseded by a machine one of her clients had given her. Since I guessed the T3 would be miles better than my ancient Palm III, not to mention being in color instead of green and black, I wrote back “Yes!” My sister is one of those incredibly organized types who mails the same day she promises to do something, so it was delivered today.

I used the Palm OS Desktop HOWTO to find out how to sync the a USB Palm to my Linux desktop. It is much quicker than the serial sync process I was used to: in fact, I thought at first the sync must have failed it took so little time.

I was hoping that the screen of the T3 would be easier on my middle-aged eyes, and it is. I was also delighted to see what Bejeweled looks like in color, as I was not sure if my registered copy would install on the T3. Bejeweled comes in very hand when I am stuck waiting for the train to pass, or am standing in a long line at the store.