Slip Sliding Away

Our house is on a school bus route, with a high priority for getting plowed, and we generally have no complaints about how quickly our road gets cleared after a major snowfall. Therefore, I was surprised by the single lane of icy ruts that comprised our road when I left the house to go vote this morning. Fortunately, I met the clearing crew as I went out: two trucks and a road grader, followed closely by the school bus. Jack didn’t have any trouble getting home in the Suburu last night, except for when he had to wait by our next door neighbor’s driveway for ten minutes for someone else who was stuck.

It pays to live in a tiny precinct: despite going to the wrong polling place and standing in line for a bit, then having to find the correct polling place two blocks away, I was done and in my car by 7:30. I took this photo on the road to our valley: snow is so pretty when you don’t have to deal with it.

2 thoughts on “Slip Sliding Away”

  1. The picture of the icy road caused some internal anxiety even though I don’t have to drive
    in it,now anyway. After we move, I’ll be facing those kinds of roads again. The last time
    I drove in snow was in 2002. It was actually kind of fun and very pretty.

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