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I have lost Network Access at home and won’t be updating my blog until it is restored. Update: 2003-12-04 Still no access.


ReUSEIT shows many submissions of the redesign project for “”:, a website devoted to computer usability.

I Give Up

“They” won. I’m not sure how long I’ve used my old email address, maybe eight years? Certainly I started using it long before spam was more than once a week occurrence. Currently, my load of junk email is now approaching approximately two hundred a day. The only way I have been able to cope at all is with two layers of filtering.

However, I am starting to lose stuff in my filters. I check, but it can be hard to see the rare good item in all the junk in the reject folder. Since my web host provides virtually unlimited email addresses, I have set up a new address for personal correspondence, several addresses for the various lists in which I participate, and a “throwaway” address for registering at websites.

I have tried to send my new personal address to those who know my old one. I can also be contacted at the link in the side bar to the left.

Citrus Moon

Citrus Moon has free tiles, backgrounds and other graphics. Unlike most of these collections, this site permits “commerical use of these patterns”: without payment and allows use of patterns if they have been colored or resized. The site also contains “tips”: about how to make your own tiles.