Monsters, Inc

Jack forced me to watch the “Monsters, Inc”: DVD yesterday. (Perhaps forced is a bit strong.) He said I needed a break.

I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. In the first ten minutes, I asked Jack how they would be able to stretch the premise to make a feature length film. Then I just relaxed and enjoyed it. It kept me interested through the end, and I have a short attention span for movies.

Dreary Weather

If the dogs were kids, they would be whining, “but, Mom, there is nothing to do!” with our second day in a row of dreary weather. I feel a bit that way myself. We are all pretty spoiled her in sunny Colorado.
For the first time this fall, I saw ice on the stock tank this morning. I plugged the heater inn, even though it was thin enough the horses could break through if they wanted to drink. I am not sure it will get above freezing all day today and would rather no worry about whether to turn it on tonight.

Wildland fires

This Gazette article describes the wildland fires that started in Colorado yesterday. Fortunately, I am looking out the window at a drizzly rain, so perhaps they will be able to get them under control today. The closest of these two fires is about thirty miles away.

California on fire

“At loss for words”: via “Making Light.”:

Two Crows Joy

This was not a great morning to wake up early. I woke at three, and felt very awake. Finally, after tossing and turning for a while, I decided to get up. It wasn’t until I looked at my computer that I remembered the time change, making it even earlier than I thought. It will be a struggle to stay up until nine tonight. I did look out the window to see if I could see the Northern Lights, but no such luck.

It was a little windy this morning, but sufficiently pleasant that I took Dudley out for a walk at nine while the horses ate breakfast. We saw deer and Dudley briefly chased them without much conviction that he could catch them. While we were up on the plateau behind our house, I saw two large crows flying together in the wind. They took turns dodging into each other, for all the world like kids playing chicken. Made you jump! I don’t know if they were fighting or playing some weird corvine game.

Painting and Party

Painting the kitchen went well. My friend showed up at noon Friday with soup and a plan. She didn’t think I had blocked enough areas with making tape so we did that first. Then we spent the next few hours trading brush and roller until we completed the first coat. The biggest area was the ceiling which we did mainly with the roller. The rest of the room required careful work around the counters and cabinets. It is a very pale shade of yellow now. It is not a big difference from the old off-white, but looks fresh and clean.
Continue reading Painting and Party


I had noticed that Anita hadn’t been updating her Home Page as much as usual and had stopped checking it every day. Unfortunately, the cause was some serious health problems, which she wrote about in her weblog on Ocotber 15. I hope she makes a speedy recovery from her surgery and is soon back to posting regularly.


I am going to paint the kitchen. A friend, who loves to paint, will be coming over to help tomorrow. Knowing this is very useful, since it will inspire me to get the prep work done today, which is seventy per cent of the battle.

Evening errands

Last night, I had the best pot roast in my life at Ted’s Montana Grill. This chain was started by Ted Turner to provide an outlet for his bison meat. Jack had the Philly burger, and said it was very good.

I had met Jack for dinner after he finished work, so we could eat and run a few errands together. We went to the nearby Goodwill to look at their bikes. Since I enjoyed biking so much in Toronto, I decided I wanted to find a cheap bike to ride around here. I wanted Jack with me since he knows more about them. I found a woman’s bike for fifteen dollars that had flat tires, but otherwise looked as though it had never been used. Even if we have to replace the inner tubes, I think it will be a good deal.

We also found some cafe curtains for the kitchen. We have been talking about covering the kitchen window for ten years or more now. It faces east, and the morning sun blinds us in the winter time when the cottonwood tree outside the window loses its leaves.

It was a productive evening though I was a bit miffed this morning when I realized that I lost my cell phone. Both Jack and I heard a skittering noise as we got into the car at Home Depot, but couldn’t see anything in the dark parking lot. When I got home, I started to charge my phone, but couldn’t find it. I thought I had left it in the car, and didn’t realize until this morning that the skittering noise must have been the phone. I drove down there as soon as it was light this morning, but there were no signs of the phone where we had been parked, nor had anyone turned it in.

It is an obsolete model, five or six years old, with a flakey battery, which I have been thinking about replacing for a while now. It is amazing how cheap cell phones have become, like so many other consumer electronics.