
On my Linux desktop, I use a program called J-Pilot to keep my Palm information up to date. For some reason, I didn’t think there was anyone currently maintaining this program, but just saw that there was a new point release.


The past few days, I have been trying to learn more about “the Gimp.”: I’ve used it since I installed Linux Red Hat 9 last September, but hadn’t done much more than cropped and resized photos, and adjust the colors a bit. I’ve found a lot of tutorials of varying quality on the web, but so far have been most pleased with Grokking the GIMP – Learning Advanced Image Editing Techniques.

Why Open Source Software / Free Software

I’ve been a supporter of OSS/FS for years, and used what I could even before I finally made the switch to GNU Linux this fall as my desktop operating system. This long article, Why Open Source Software / Free Software (OSS/FS)? Look at the Numbers!, not only gives the standard reasons for migrating, but provides numerical support for doing so as well.

Do I think that desktop Linux is ready for the masses? Judging by one or two recent questions I have been asked by people (who unfortunately think of me as some sort of computer expert) I am not sure that Windows is ready for the masses.


I spent most of the weekend installing “Fedora Core”: and then playing with it. Unless FC does something evil to my computer, this should be the last time I do major operating systems stuff with my computer for a while.
Continue reading Fedora