
Updated links to galleries so they should work now.

Star Bird Fractal

I’ve created two new galleries of gnofract4 fractals, Gallery 3 and Gallery 4 in addition to the ones, Gallery 1 and Gallery 2, that I put up about a year ago.

If you want to see more, the developer of gnofract4d now has a blog called Chaos Engine showing his fractals.

I’ve been running Ubuntu as my desktop Linux distribution for several months. About my only disappointment with Ubuntu was that it didn’t include gnofract4d in the universe or multiverse repositories. gnofract4d is a fractal exploration program that I like to use.

Last week, I decided to see if I could figure out the dependencies the gnofract4d needs to run on Ubuntu. I downloaded the gnofract4d tar file from SourceForge, and started trying to install it. An hour later, after I used Synaptic to install g++-3.4, gtk2-engines-dev, and python2.4-dev and their dependencies, gnofract4d was running on my system. I had already installed gcc (the compiler gnofract4d uses) previous to this.

gnofract4d is under continuous development. There were a lot of improvments since the last time I had used it under Fedora Core six months ago. It also seems a lot more stable. I used to crash it on a fairly regular basis, but don’t seem to be able to do that any more.

Eye of the Galaxy

I’ve been cleaning house, doing a complete install of Fedora Core 2, Release 3, and playing with “gnofract4d.”: Of the three, playing with gnofrract4d, which produced this graphic, was the most fun, though installing Fedora wasn’t too bad either.