Waffle Maker

We’ve recently discovered that our waffle maker does a good job of cooking thick cut bacon as well.  (This is yet another Alton Brown suggestion.) Our maker turns out flat, crispy bacon in about six minutes.  If you want more ways to use your waffle maker, go to the Waffleizer, a weblog devoted to alternate uses for a waffle iron.

Shades of Paula Dean

This weekend, Jack made an Alton Brown pasta recipe, Cracker Noodle Do, that incorporated two of Paula Deans four food groups:  crackers and butter.  It was very tasty with a little grated parmesan added.  Jack has started watching Alton Brown’s show on the Food Network.  Be afraid,  be very afraid.

Good Eats – The Early Years

Jack received a copy of  Alton Brown’s Good Eats – The Early Years from my sister for Christmas.  The poor guy didn’t even know who Alton Brown is.  We also received some Omaha Steaks from a friend.  So New Year’s Eve Jack prepared the first application in the book:  Pan Seared Rib Eye Recipe : Alton Brown : Food Network. The steak was wonderful. (I plan on reading the cookbook myself when Jack stops fondling it.)