Ubuntu, the family album

I’ve been using Ubuntu Linux for quite a while.  Seeing Ubuntu, the family album led me to check my notes and I realized I have been using it since before Hoary Hedgehog.  I apparently started a few months after Warty Warthog was released.  Prior to that, I mostly used Fedora Core and Red Hat, with a brief flirtation with Suse.

Mom’s Day PC

Yesterday saw the culmination of a month-long project: rebuilding one of our PCs to replace the ancient E-Machine that belonged to my mother. I had thought about doing this ever since I requisitioned the AMD64 that Jack that Jack bought to make a DVR (Digital Video Recorder) and never quite got working. I have been using the AMD64 as my desktop for months now, and adore it, so finally decided it was time to turn loose of my previous desktop.
Continue reading Mom’s Day PC

Hardy Heron

April 19, 2008 – Click on image for higher resolution version.

I updated to the Hardy Heron Ubuntu Linux release candidate today with remarkably little fuss.

Edgy Eft

After running Fedora Core 6 for several months, I installed EdgyEft, the latest Ubuntu release, released on October 26, 2006. I had run previous versions of Ubuntu, but gave FC6 a try because that is what Jack runs on his machines. However, I could never quite get rpm working correctly on my machine and when your package manager doesn’t work consistently, it makes the machine seem very fragile.

Edgy Eft installs Firefox 2, and I was glad to see that my favorite Firefox extensions installed without difficulty. Other than that, I haven’t noticed any big changes: it is just nice to be using apt-get again.


One drawback of running Linux as a desktop is we frequently lack cool utilities for things like Flickr. However, during a recent search through the Dapper Drake Ubuntu repository I found a slick tool called Kflickr. Kflickr allows you to drag and drop images from konqueror, gthumb or digiKam, and then quickly title, tag and upload them. It is a much quicker process than uploaded through the browser. You can seem some of my photos at my Flickr account.